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New Home Office Building

Click a thumbnail to enlarge. Apologies for the incorrect color temperature setting. It seems I'm still learning my digital camera. :)

2002 GCE 001.jpg (227698 bytes) 2002 GCE 002.jpg (223329 bytes) 2002 GCE 003.jpg (226704 bytes) 2002 GCE 004.jpg (229662 bytes)
Exterior views

2002 GCE 005.jpg (231419 bytes) 2002 GCE 006.jpg (216714 bytes) 2002 GCE 007.jpg (224678 bytes) 2002 GCE 008.jpg (213929 bytes)
Entry               ABC Library          Conference Room

2002 GCE 009.jpg (220787 bytes)                2002 GCE 024.jpg (225782 bytes)
Photo in Conf Room        President's office

Below are two photos (not thumbnails) of the dedication. Credit goes to Peter Eddington and the ABC site for these photos.


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