Evaluation Excerpts

Actual excerpts from college course evaluation forms:

1. "The textbook is almost useless. I use it to kill roaches in my room."

2. "He teaches like Speedy Gonzalez on a caffeine high."

3. "Help! I've fallen asleep and I can't wake up!"

4. "The recitation instructor would make a good parking lot attendant. Tries to tell you where to go, but you can never understand him."

5. "The class is worthwhile because I need it for the degree."

6. "Textbook is confusing; someone with a knowledge of English should proofread it."

7. "Problem sets are a decoy to lure you away from potential exam material."

8. "He is one of the best teachers I have had...He is well-organized, presents good lectures, and creates interest in the subject. I hope my comments don't hurt his chances of getting tenure."

9. "I would sit in class and stare out the window at the squirrels. They've got a cool nest in the tree."

10. "Information was presented like a ruptured fire hose-spraying in all directions-no way to stop it."

11. "I never bought the text. My $60 was better spent on the Led Zeppelin CDs that I used while doing the problem sets."

12. "The course was very thorough. What wasn't covered in class was covered on the final exam."